

The company

The company

Since it was established in the early 1970s, Tönnies – the largest manufacturer of meat products in Europe, and fourth largest in the world – has enjoyed continual growth thanks to its ongoing pursuit of innovation in meat processing.

Today, Tönnies turns over more than 6 billion euro, can count on over 20 million consumers per day and exports 50% of its production.

Tönnies operates on an impressive scale and its process management philosophy is very “lean”.

Innovation is central to the Tönnies approach: traceability in the European meat industry is a standard implemented by Tönnies. Quality is in this company’s DNA, and efficiency is key.

Technology plays a pivotal role in the company’s ongoing pursuit of innovation.


The target of the Sinfo One project with Tönnies can be summed up in one sentence:

“Implementing continuous improvement in terms of management software”.

In other words, it means setting up a technologically advanced system capable of managing complexity, whilst guaranteeing data protection, maximum efficiency and the flexibility to meet the increasingly challenging requirements of the business.


Tönnies chose Oracle JD Edwards and Sinfo One as system integrator, appreciating:

  • expertise in the food sector, attested to by historical clients;
  • a distinctive approach designed to secure, first and foremost, the core part of the business, unlike what competitors proposed;
  • the capacity to understand the clients’ needs and the authenticity of relations – of trust – established with clients;
  • a unique leadership style, whereby the party with the skills, the partner, takes ownership of the project.


Sinfo One created the necessary features to manage all aspects of this multi-faceted company. Thus far (end of 2022), this amounts to all bovine slaughterhouses (4), one pork slaughterhouse and one packaged products company.

Sinfo One has had completely free rein in managing the process. When managing complex projects, technology alone is useless: you need a cohesive and highly committed team.

The goal of the project is to change over all the production sites still using the old management software to Oracle JD Edwards. In the meantime, Tönnies continues to pursue its own growth through acquisitions. The number of transactions and their complexity will increase.

A challenge that is only just beginning, but which is so far proving successful and satisfying for both parties.