Sinfo One - Innovative software solutions for innovative companies

About Us

Excellence in Innovation

We provide IT solutions, consulting, system integration, training, support and outsourcing, and export our expertise around the world, with major projects for Italian and multinational companies, both European and non-European.

We offer solutions in the fields of enterprise resource planning (ERP), business intelligence (BI), enterprise performance management (EPM) and product lifecycle management (PLM), and we invest in the most innovative technologies such as cloud technology, IoT and RPA.

We partner with leading global vendors and bring together proven methodologies, industry knowledge, best practices and professionals, combining technological, functional and process-related skills, to offer our clients excellence in innovation.


“To offer clients a definite competitive advantage through innovation. To use our expertise, experience and passion to help them succeed”


“To be an international IT company with the ability to create value for our clients.”


We are committed to creating value within the region, and with PWC we are on the road to drawing up our Sustainability Report. The internal assessment phase showed our high level of “sustainability”, leading us to consider becoming a benefit company or B Corp. The next step will be to create the official sustainability report.

Sustainability for us takes various forms:

  • Sport
  • Society
  • Education and Culture
  • Health and Crises
  • Environment


We share the values of sport – passion, fairness, determination and commitment – and we support sport in our local area, starting with volleyball, both as passionate fans and as a sponsor.

In the same spirit, we support the Oasi Energy Volley  Noceto – women’s youth championship – and VBC Casalmaggiore – Serie A1, women’s national championship.

We have supported the Parma Marathon project since its inception, and every year we participate with our “team”.

When we see enthusiasm and values that align with our own, we also embrace “small” initiatives, such as the Nador d’Oro 2022, organized by a Parma sports association, or Wild Gym, which is committed to providing well-being through sport with a particular focus on sustainability and social inclusion.


“Doing more with less”

For years we have been committed to supporting the Il Giardino di Noceto cooperative, which offers support to disabled people and their families. People who show astonishing resilience and embody the principle of “doing more with less.” In 2021 we have been involved in purchasing a new centre dedicated to training courses and residential stays.

We are designing activities to be carried out within the cooperative that will supplement and enhance skills that are less explored and often excluded from society. For example, a sensory experience is being developed to help those without disabilities better understand the condition of people with disabilities.

Education and Culture

Parma is rich in history and art. We sponsor the culture of our province and neighbouring provinces, ranging from exhibitions, music, theatres and local museums.

We collaborate with secondary schools and with the University of Parma and the Catholic University, providing scholarships, open days for students and internship

Health and Crises

We are ready to respond to calls for help in the event of an emergency. This includes, for example, aid given to health agencies during the COVID pandemic.


We believe in the value of sustainable growth and we pursue our commitment to the environment pragmatically: small concrete steps leading to tangible results. This is the context of the 2010 ”ecological footprint” assessment project and the offset scheme, which led to the recovery and upgrade of the former construction site for Parma’s north ring road, where we planted 150 trees and shrubs of various kinds. The site is now a green area that we continue to maintain.

We have been working with SODALES ODV for many years, sponsoring their environmental projects and activities to raise young people’s awareness about protecting, enhancing and respecting the environment.

Our commitment also extends to raising awareness among our staff and using the most innovative methods that technology can provide to reduce our impact on the environment.


Diversity and Inclusion

Gender inclusion is in Sinfo One’s DNA and is reflected in the company structure. We hire women with expertise in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), usually the preserve of men.

We encourage a culture that promotes inclusion and values the diversity of our people, each bringing a unique and important experience to the group, regardless of the different ways in which diversity is expressed.

We promote collaboration within and between working groups. Each team has one very powerful “player” at their disposal, who improves the performance of each individual: the team itself.

Integrity and Valuing People

For us, valuing people means, first and foremost, constantly striving to get to know them, and enabling them to grow and deliver their full potential. This is reflected in our training and development programmes as well as our welfare activities for enhancing well-being and satisfaction.

We are committed to defending what is right and delivering the highest quality results, by always putting the customer at the centre and pursuing excellence in innovation.


Redfaire International

In 2016, Sinfo One joined Redfaire International, the joint venture bringing together the world’s most important Oracle consulting partners to operate jointly in managing international projects involving Oracle JD Edwards.


Sinfo One is Oracle Partner and system integrator for all Oracle solutions Oracle – on premise and cloud – in ERP, PLM, BI, EPM and ECM.

Over 100 successful Oracle projects and 6 Oracle Awards.


Scopri di più


The Sinfo One – Infor partnership for CloudSuite ™ Food & Beverage began in 2020. Infor chose Sinfo One for its distinctive skills in the Food & Beverage sector. CloudSuite™ Food & Beverages is integrated with Birst for data analysis, Infor EAM for asset management and Optiva PLM to manage the innovation process.


In 2018, Sinfo One entered into strategic partnership with sedApta. Sinfo One has strong expertise in the optimization of the production process and supply chain and with this alliance can offer its customers a wide range of solutions for the control of the production logistics process.

Amazon Web Services

Since February 2018, Sinfo One is an Amazon Web Services (AWS) partner, the comprehensive, evolving cloud computing platform providing a mix IaaS, PaaS and SaaS offerings.

AWS offers a wide range of global processing, storage, database, analysis and deployment services, as well as application services, which enable organizations to expand faster and reduce IT infrastructure management costs, without compromise in terms of scalability, security or reliability.

 SMEA – Alta Scuola di Management ed Economia Agro-Alimentare

In 2008, Sinfo One entered into partnership with SMEA, a centre of excellence in training and academic research. SMEA supports financial and managerial expertise in the agri-food sector providing courses, undertaking research and offering consultation and outreach services.

Sinfo One also collaborates with AMA – the Association of the alumni of the Master’s degree in Agribusiness at SMEA.