
Digital transformation: opportunities of the fourth industrial revolution

Which skills to manage change: case studies and experiences of companies in the food sector

The ‘digital transformation’ is a wind that has invested companies in all sectors, including Food & Beverage.

The characteristic of the fourth industrial revolution is speed and we need ever more qualified skills to manage change and contribute to business growth.

4.0 technologies can and must contribute to increase efficiency, speed decision-making and enable the creation of new products and services. But technologies alone are not enough: expertise is the key to transforming the new opportunities offered by technology into a powerful tool for business growth.

In a scenario where the data are the ‘new oil’, ERP, BI, EPM and PLM solutions are essential to give continuity to businesses that are increasingly characterized by being ‘disruptive’.

What can companies do? Aggregate enabling technologies with the support of partners able to support them in a path of intelligent innovation.

The event will be an opportunity to understand what skills are needed to make the “4.0 enterprise” take off. We will analyze successful cases of companies, both Italian and non, that have been able to ride the “wind” of the digital transformation.

The event will be opened by Marco Taisch, Professor of Advanced & Sustainable Manufacturing at the Politecnico di Milano, engaged in the study of technological trends for the European Commission, member of the board of the European Factory of the Future Research Association (EFFRA), as well as Scientific Chairman of the World Manufacturing Forum.

  • 9.00 – Registration of participants
  • 9.45 –Opening and welcome
Chiara Lupi, editorial director - ESTE  
  • 9.50 – "Skills for the Enterprise 4.0: the factors that enable competitiveness"
The convergence of digital technologies is definitely increasing the managerial, organizational and even technological complexity of a company at all levels. This requires a disruptive approach: basic digital skills are central, but also and above all advanced ones that include the ability to collect, analyze and process large amounts of data. The speech - after a panorama of the technological context - will explain how the 4.0 company must change and the skills needed to face the next competitive future. Marco Taisch, professor of advanced & sustainable manufacturing  - POLITECNICO DI MILANO  
  • 10.20 - “Tönnies: our ERP strategies to support business strategies”
Christian Kreuter, general manager - TÖNNIES  
  • 10.40 - “Robotics, Advanced Warehouse, Automatic Production Lines and Management System: what skills are needed to create the most automated food company in the United Arab Emirates?”
How to anticipate the future of the industry, which will have to be increasingly oriented to the needs of the customer. Vittorio Cavirani, CEO – ELETTRIC80 and sponsor of the PROJECT NFPC (National Food Product Company)  
  • 11.00 – Coffee break
  • 11.30 -“Pastificio Rana: how technology and skills can enable speed and efficiency "
How to make an upgrade project a lever to reduce business costs and improve the user experience. Roberto Scattolini, project manager IT -  PASTIFICIO RANA  
  • 11.50 -  “Industry 4.0: technologies applied by Mutti”
Digital transformation has strongly impacted the agrifood sector and the company Mutti has been able to seize the opportunities overcoming difficulties and obstacles. Technology has represented an important asset, and the evolution of ERP, BI and PLM projects have helped to consciously manage digital transformation. Mutti is a company ready to face the challenges of the future thanks to the ability to intercept trends, to implement the right technologies and to create an organizational structure consistent with growth expectations. A company therefore ready to seize the opportunities of an increasingly global market. Dario Ferrari – IT manager - GRUPPO MUTTI  
  • 12.10 – The unwitting resistance to change
The introduction of the Toyota Production System concepts in the Olitalia Group are helping to trigger a cultural change that has highlighted how the alignment between strategy and delivery is a fundamental boost to attack an increasingly complex market. In this scenario, the involvement and motivation of the people mark the speed of a project that touching many functions meets different levels of propensity for change. To make the change introduced a new working standard, the different speeds must be managed. It is necessary to enter the processes in depth and to identify new "lower" operating targets than the usual ones. Gianmarco Antonelli, CIO –  OLITALIA  
  • 12.30 – Digital transformation: challenges and opportunities for the Food industry
Paola Pomi, CEO - SINFO ONE  
  • 13.00 Questions & Answers session
  • 13.20 –Buffet lunch